Saturday, November 14, 2009

What Is The BEST Home Business?

What makes a home business the BEST business?

Some say it is the product such as weight loss because so many people have that as a problem, especially in the United States. “Experts” will tell you that it is the hottest product one can market and therefore a great home business to get into. I can understand that some people are desperate to lose weight and that an acai “burn” product will help them accomplish that. Without a doubt, any diet that includes the acai berry is bound to be a healthier diet and therefore deserves to be more successful. It does not, however, make it the best home business or guarantee that you will make money marketing it.

In fact, there is only one company that I know of that is making money hand over fist with a nutrition drink and that is Monavie. That company was ranked #1 in food and beverage by Fortune 500 in their September issue. Their product, an acai berry juice blend, is obviously in demand. Monavie not only ranked #1 in food and beverage but also ranked high in several other categories. In fact, its expansion has rivaled big names like Microsoft and Google with a billion dollar income last year. That’s a lot of bottles of juice.

Their overall sales last year, around a billion dollars, is amazing when you consider that they have not opened up all the countries on their agenda. So you have a great company and a great product. But does that ensure your success? Monavie, unlike other companies, has an open disclosure policy where they make available the percentages regarding how much their distributors are making. Despite the fact that the company is obviously successful and the product is in outrageous demand, the majority of distributors are still in low ranges.

True, they have made about 70 millionaires. Obviously there is money to be made as a distributor. These self-made millionaires were not all at the top. Rising up the financial ranks is possible, especially with the design of their compensation plan. So why do so many stay in the bottom ranks? Experience tells a tale of those, not having a clue what to do next, simply give up. They start out enthusiastic, thrilled with the company and product but quickly lose their excitement when they can’t make the expansion they hoped for within the first few months.

IT’S NOT THEIR FAULT! Most companies do not have a clue about the internet and the power of network marketing. Old school techniques do work but are often taught poorly and depend on sharing the product which often requires an investment that most people are not willing to risk. The average person signed up to be a distributor lacks training and direction.

There are some who, despite mentoring and valuable information being available, simply do not take advantage of their opportunity. Easily distracted, easily dismayed, they wander off to find a “simpler way” to make money. The sad truth missed is that being properly mentored is the simpler way.

What does this have to do with what makes the best home business? Everything.

1. When you select a product to market, consider supply and demand. There are only a few things a person cannot live without. According to my granddaughter’s 3rd Grade Science book, those things would be food, water, oxygen, shelter and space. Take a look now at which companies are making the big money. Food, water, oxygenating products, shelter (including clothing & real estate) and space (including travel, vacations, weekend getaways, etc.). Of course, money in itself makes all of those possible but let’s not cloud the issue.

2. When you select a company to market for, check out it’s running record. I ran an advertising test on Pre-launch opportunities versus stable and expanding companies. The Pre-launch ads got twice as many hits as the proven opportunities. This comes from the idea that if you can get in on the ground floor of a new business, you will make money by default. This has not been proven out. To do that, you are depending on the distributors above you to do all the work. In some cases, the sponsor will place some people under you to “get you started” and keep the excitement going. But, if you don’t pick up the slack and start making some progress yourself, I guarantee that there are other places your sponsor will want to place his new people. And if you are at the very top, there is no one else to give you spillover. Moreover, a pre-launch opportunity has no running record. Most start off in debt with an unproven idea. At least check out the running record of the founders.

3. Start with the BEST training system. The statements in 1 and 2 above prove my point that a distributor could have the best company and the best product but still not make money because he or she does not have a clue how to market. So what is the key ingredient to success? The ability to market. In another article, I wrote about old school marketing having a ceiling on it unless you can systemize or automate your work and outsource routine activities. There are just so many people you can call. And even if you manage to enthuse, energize and motivate thousands of people, how do you manage to retire without it all falling apart? Remember, your goal was financial FREEDOM. You don’t want to end up trapped in obligation to needy people who can’t manage without you.

So what DOES make the best home business? Well, YOU do. And all you need is the information on how to build it. If you learn how to build your business so it hums smoothly, provides a product that people will thank you for, associates with a company (or companies) that are reputable and dependable (so you can sleep at night) and provides an ever-increasing income for less than you have to expend THEN you have your best business. You’ll have a right to smile and hold your head up high. But if that is not the case, and you are not making the kind of money you want, don’t blame the product or company. Even your choices would be better if you were better educated on the subject.

That’s why I do what I do — train people on marketing — so that YOUR business can be the BEST home business. For more information on training, visit

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If you want to be a millionaire, associate with millionaires. Knowledge is greatest tool for building a home business.