Monday, November 16, 2009

Security in Your Retirement – Can a Home Business Help?

Security in Your Retirement – Can a Home Business Help?

by Cheryl Currie on October 28, 2009

Should people in retirement start a Home Business? That was the question I asked myself last year and thank goodness I did! My answer turned out to be a howling “YES.” But not everyone sees it the same way. I’ll explain.

If you are over 60 and not quite happy with your retirement or not looking forward to it, a Home Business may be right for you. Statistically speaking, those who hang out and “relax” tend toward depression and arthritic type diseases. It would seem that the mind and body want to be pushed to the limit as often as possible. There are things that work provides such as self-esteem, a feeling of contribution, mental activity and the joy that comes with creation to name a few.

Personally, I quickly tired of all that relaxation. I wanted more not just for me but also for my children. I saw them struggling to make ends meet and couldn’t help them as much as I wanted to. My income was limited and my physical energy would not allow for extensive travel. In fact, retirement reminded me of my High School years when adults hounded me with the question, “What do you want to do with the rest of your life?” Fact is, I could not answer that question. I knew I had a “rest of my life” but no idea what to do with it. With retirement, it was High School all over again. I had more time to think about it, though.

This time, unlike High School, I came up with some answers.

* I wanted to feel like I still had 25 years left.
* I saw no difference between 25 to 50 except energy level, amount of opportunities for employment and amount of knowledge and experience.
* Whatever I decided to do, it would not be physically straining. In fact, best case scenario, it would provide increased health and energy.
* It couldn’t cost more than my present expenses and ideally would provide a great deal of income.
* There would be no more demanding schedules or having to please a boss. I was done with that.
* Finally, it would have to be something I could sell or turn over when I was done establishing it.

Those are the criteria with which I started searching the internet for a work-at-home opportunity.

A home business or part-time job seemed more likely than publishing my books but even that is entrepreneurial. Work on the computer would let me control my schedule, stay at home and keep the physical strain down. Even publications were best promoted on the internet. Most of my life I had avoided the internet. Retired, I finally had time to see what all the hoopla was about but I only knew enough to avoid any serious trouble. Just setting up a Facebook account was a massive challenge!

For months, my largest stumbling block was the terminology. Beyond that, the young people who spoke it fluently did not have the patience to explain it in layman terms. I almost quit several times. During those times, I reminded myself that for the last 50 years I had been studying one thing or another. My experience as an executive, private teacher, supervisor and many other professions had prepared me for this task. I’d raised three children, survived decades of married life. In other words, I could deal with this. I would no longer let those young whippersnappers make me feel stupid.

The first real business I learned was a support system for other businesses. It provided an extreme amount of training for online marketing which, for me, was its attraction. However, there were days when I just sat there staring at the screen wondering if I would ever understand what a domain was or how to set up a website. On the other hand, almost every day something would click into place and I’d be able to visualize how some aspect of network marketing worked. I persevered. Soon people were telling me that I was an internet guru. Me? An internet guru? At first I simply wondered why they were saying that. It seemed impossible that I could have learned that much in such a short amount of time.

That first business paid for itself in golden training — and in cash. Not only did I learn what I needed to know to set up a Home Business and market it on the internet, I also had met and befriended people who were very successful. This led to other opportunities. I’m not a gullible person and had learned very quickly which type of companies to avoid. I knew exactly how much money I was willing to lose on a venture. A couple of so-called opportunities had taken my money and some of my friends’ money and given nothing in return. I now refuse to get involved with anything that doesn’t put a tangible, desirable product in my hands.

The next company I got involved with was a health product. This company had an impeccable reputation, was in its mid-cycle growth period had an excellent training program and the group of people I had come to know as top producers were recommending it. I had my policy of “let me try the product.” That turned out really well. The product not only provided me with extra energy but healing benefits as well. Within a couple of weeks, I was making more than I was spending. Thanks to my sweat and tears with the first company, I knew how to market the second company. Then, thanks to my rising up the ranks, I ended up near the very top of yet another health product company. My health, my income, my mental alertness are all where I want them to be.

Should retired people start a Home Business? I’d say if you’re not happy with the amount of creativity, finance or future you have, you should. Keep your spending close to nil. Study until you’re a pro. You’re not dead yet or you wouldn’t be reading this!

To sum this up, a Home Business is not unlike any other job, profession or privately owned company. You have to be willing to go through the learning process, learn from your mistakes, set sane policy for yourself, know what your going for and stick with it until you get it.

Why Be An Online Marketer?

by Cheryl Currie on November 10, 2009

If you looked into online marketing, you probably ran into the same thing I did. Everyone has the best offer, you get labeled by your interest then bombarded with emails. Promises of making you a millionaire get pretty tiresome after a while if you lose money trying a few out. It can leave you with a pretty bad taste in your mouth and a jaded view of the subject.

So, is there any good in it?

Let’s try a new perspective. Let’s compare it to a “normal” business. Let’s say you get a small business loan and open a corner store. It’s groceries — everybody needs those — and you have a good location. The neighborhood knows you and in a couple of years you figure you should be in profit. But after a year, someone opens another store nearby. Your new cashier has been driving business away with her caustic personality and the inventory sheets reveal that you are being robbed. Gas prices just happen to rocket making delivery rates unaffordable. Your suppliers raise the prices and a new zoning law wipes out the nearest parking. The IRS wants to audit your accounts, the health department has fined you, the Board of Equalization is threatening to shut you down due to an incorrectly filled out form and a partial freeze gets put on your accounts. You can’t pay your help, you can’t pay your loan, stock runs low and you end up filing bankruptcy.

If you think that was a harsh story of woe that does not reflect the normal situation, you haven’t seen the files down at the bankruptcy court.

The first problem here is that the usual business owner has only one source of income. In this scenario, that income source depends on customers from one small neighborhood. If you thought the example of a rude cashier was irrelevant, let me assure you that in ANY business, customers will often forsake quality, price and other concerns to do business with someone they like. On the other hand, if they do not like the people they have to deal with, the price could be terrific, the quality sky-high but they will avoid the place like the plague.

How does this relate to online marketing? Factually, what’s true for a corner store is true for ANY business. Like the corner store owner, some online marketing companies offer only one source of income, limited products, unappealing people to work with, little or no training, limited areas to market in. They run into problems just like the corner store.

Would you honestly try to open a store if you knew NOTHING about groceries, zoning laws, small business licenses, or anything else that had to do with owning a business? Yet people gleefully join online marketing companies in swarms, thinking someone else will make them rich. They even make money sometimes. But untrained people not only don’t get rich, they don’t make anyone else rich either. If it all looks so complicated that it couldn’t possibly be done, then the door closes on that opportunity. Slam!

Reverse the scenario. A person decides that the greatest opportunities are in online marketing. They start training. What is online marketing? Who is successful at it? Do they offer courses? Who should I use to build a website? Do I need a website? Why shouldn’t I just buy into one of those sell my site and e-books deals? I heard somebody made $200,000 with one of those. What about getting in at the top of a pre-launch opportunity? I could get lucky, right? Why not join something that’s been around for a long time? They must know what they’re doing by now!

If you couldn’t answer all those questions is simply because you’re not trained. There are answers to all of them. You CAN know which company is best to join, what training is best to learn, what systems are best to use and, when it is all said and done, what takes you to that six-figure income that lasts and lets you retire.

Why be an online marketer? It’s GLOBAL. It’s in demand. There is no ceiling on the potential income. The rewards and opportunities are FAR better than a mere job or local business. But it doesn’t happen by magic. Training is key. Training is your new boss!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What Is The BEST Home Business?

What makes a home business the BEST business?

Some say it is the product such as weight loss because so many people have that as a problem, especially in the United States. “Experts” will tell you that it is the hottest product one can market and therefore a great home business to get into. I can understand that some people are desperate to lose weight and that an acai “burn” product will help them accomplish that. Without a doubt, any diet that includes the acai berry is bound to be a healthier diet and therefore deserves to be more successful. It does not, however, make it the best home business or guarantee that you will make money marketing it.

In fact, there is only one company that I know of that is making money hand over fist with a nutrition drink and that is Monavie. That company was ranked #1 in food and beverage by Fortune 500 in their September issue. Their product, an acai berry juice blend, is obviously in demand. Monavie not only ranked #1 in food and beverage but also ranked high in several other categories. In fact, its expansion has rivaled big names like Microsoft and Google with a billion dollar income last year. That’s a lot of bottles of juice.

Their overall sales last year, around a billion dollars, is amazing when you consider that they have not opened up all the countries on their agenda. So you have a great company and a great product. But does that ensure your success? Monavie, unlike other companies, has an open disclosure policy where they make available the percentages regarding how much their distributors are making. Despite the fact that the company is obviously successful and the product is in outrageous demand, the majority of distributors are still in low ranges.

True, they have made about 70 millionaires. Obviously there is money to be made as a distributor. These self-made millionaires were not all at the top. Rising up the financial ranks is possible, especially with the design of their compensation plan. So why do so many stay in the bottom ranks? Experience tells a tale of those, not having a clue what to do next, simply give up. They start out enthusiastic, thrilled with the company and product but quickly lose their excitement when they can’t make the expansion they hoped for within the first few months.

IT’S NOT THEIR FAULT! Most companies do not have a clue about the internet and the power of network marketing. Old school techniques do work but are often taught poorly and depend on sharing the product which often requires an investment that most people are not willing to risk. The average person signed up to be a distributor lacks training and direction.

There are some who, despite mentoring and valuable information being available, simply do not take advantage of their opportunity. Easily distracted, easily dismayed, they wander off to find a “simpler way” to make money. The sad truth missed is that being properly mentored is the simpler way.

What does this have to do with what makes the best home business? Everything.

1. When you select a product to market, consider supply and demand. There are only a few things a person cannot live without. According to my granddaughter’s 3rd Grade Science book, those things would be food, water, oxygen, shelter and space. Take a look now at which companies are making the big money. Food, water, oxygenating products, shelter (including clothing & real estate) and space (including travel, vacations, weekend getaways, etc.). Of course, money in itself makes all of those possible but let’s not cloud the issue.

2. When you select a company to market for, check out it’s running record. I ran an advertising test on Pre-launch opportunities versus stable and expanding companies. The Pre-launch ads got twice as many hits as the proven opportunities. This comes from the idea that if you can get in on the ground floor of a new business, you will make money by default. This has not been proven out. To do that, you are depending on the distributors above you to do all the work. In some cases, the sponsor will place some people under you to “get you started” and keep the excitement going. But, if you don’t pick up the slack and start making some progress yourself, I guarantee that there are other places your sponsor will want to place his new people. And if you are at the very top, there is no one else to give you spillover. Moreover, a pre-launch opportunity has no running record. Most start off in debt with an unproven idea. At least check out the running record of the founders.

3. Start with the BEST training system. The statements in 1 and 2 above prove my point that a distributor could have the best company and the best product but still not make money because he or she does not have a clue how to market. So what is the key ingredient to success? The ability to market. In another article, I wrote about old school marketing having a ceiling on it unless you can systemize or automate your work and outsource routine activities. There are just so many people you can call. And even if you manage to enthuse, energize and motivate thousands of people, how do you manage to retire without it all falling apart? Remember, your goal was financial FREEDOM. You don’t want to end up trapped in obligation to needy people who can’t manage without you.

So what DOES make the best home business? Well, YOU do. And all you need is the information on how to build it. If you learn how to build your business so it hums smoothly, provides a product that people will thank you for, associates with a company (or companies) that are reputable and dependable (so you can sleep at night) and provides an ever-increasing income for less than you have to expend THEN you have your best business. You’ll have a right to smile and hold your head up high. But if that is not the case, and you are not making the kind of money you want, don’t blame the product or company. Even your choices would be better if you were better educated on the subject.

That’s why I do what I do — train people on marketing — so that YOUR business can be the BEST home business. For more information on training, visit

What Is The BEST Home Business?

What makes a home business the BEST business?

Some say it is the product such as weight loss because so many people have that as a problem, especially in the United States. “Experts” will tell you that it is the hottest product one can market and therefore a great home business to get into. I can understand that some people are desperate to lose weight and that an acai “burn” product will help them accomplish that. Without a doubt, any diet that includes the acai berry is bound to be a healthier diet and therefore deserves to be more successful. It does not, however, make it the best home business or guarantee that you will make money marketing it.

In fact, there is only one company that I know of that is making money hand over fist with a nutrition drink and that is Monavie. That company was ranked #1 in food and beverage by Fortune 500 in their September issue. Their product, an acai berry juice blend, is obviously in demand. Monavie not only ranked #1 in food and beverage but also ranked high in several other categories. In fact, its expansion has rivaled big names like Microsoft and Google with a billion dollar income last year. That’s a lot of bottles of juice.

Their overall sales last year, around a billion dollars, is amazing when you consider that they have not opened up all the countries on their agenda. So you have a great company and a great product. But does that ensure your success? Monavie, unlike other companies, has an open disclosure policy where they make available the percentages regarding how much their distributors are making. Despite the fact that the company is obviously successful and the product is in outrageous demand, the majority of distributors are still in low ranges.

True, they have made about 70 millionaires. Obviously there is money to be made as a distributor. These self-made millionaires were not all at the top. Rising up the financial ranks is possible, especially with the design of their compensation plan. So why do so many stay in the bottom ranks? Experience tells a tale of those, not having a clue what to do next, simply give up. They start out enthusiastic, thrilled with the company and product but quickly lose their excitement when they can’t make the expansion they hoped for within the first few months.

IT’S NOT THEIR FAULT! Most companies do not have a clue about the internet and the power of network marketing. Old school techniques do work but are often taught poorly and depend on sharing the product which often requires an investment that most people are not willing to risk. The average person signed up to be a distributor lacks training and direction.

There are some who, despite mentoring and valuable information being available, simply do not take advantage of their opportunity. Easily distracted, easily dismayed, they wander off to find a “simpler way” to make money. The sad truth missed is that being properly mentored is the simpler way.

What does this have to do with what makes the best home business? Everything.

1. When you select a product to market, consider supply and demand. There are only a few things a person cannot live without. According to my granddaughter’s 3rd Grade Science book, those things would be food, water, oxygen, shelter and space. Take a look now at which companies are making the big money. Food, water, oxygenating products, shelter (including clothing & real estate) and space (including travel, vacations, weekend getaways, etc.). Of course, money in itself makes all of those possible but let’s not cloud the issue.

2. When you select a company to market for, check out it’s running record. I ran an advertising test on Pre-launch opportunities versus stable and expanding companies. The Pre-launch ads got twice as many hits as the proven opportunities. This comes from the idea that if you can get in on the ground floor of a new business, you will make money by default. This has not been proven out. To do that, you are depending on the distributors above you to do all the work. In some cases, the sponsor will place some people under you to “get you started” and keep the excitement going. But, if you don’t pick up the slack and start making some progress yourself, I guarantee that there are other places your sponsor will want to place his new people. And if you are at the very top, there is no one else to give you spillover. Moreover, a pre-launch opportunity has no running record. Most start off in debt with an unproven idea. At least check out the running record of the founders.

3. Start with the BEST training system. The statements in 1 and 2 above prove my point that a distributor could have the best company and the best product but still not make money because he or she does not have a clue how to market. So what is the key ingredient to success? The ability to market. In another article, I wrote about old school marketing having a ceiling on it unless you can systemize or automate your work and outsource routine activities. There are just so many people you can call. And even if you manage to enthuse, energize and motivate thousands of people, how do you manage to retire without it all falling apart? Remember, your goal was financial FREEDOM. You don’t want to end up trapped in obligation to needy people who can’t manage without you.

So what DOES make the best home business? Well, YOU do. And all you need is the information on how to build it. If you learn how to build your business so it hums smoothly, provides a product that people will thank you for, associates with a company (or companies) that are reputable and dependable (so you can sleep at night) and provides an ever-increasing income for less than you have to expend THEN you have your best business. You’ll have a right to smile and hold your head up high. But if that is not the case, and you are not making the kind of money you want, don’t blame the product or company. Even your choices would be better if you were better educated on the subject.

That’s why I do what I do — train people on marketing — so that YOUR business can be the BEST home business.

For more information on training, visit